Aviator Paramotor currently trains nearly 300 students per year, and while training time varies from student to student, it generally takes 8-14 days to go from zero to hero. We work hard to ensure that students are safe and confident in their PPG skills so they can launch, maneuver and land their paramotors skillfully without assistance or challenge. Emphasis is placed on safety from the beginning, along with fully understanding the rules, regulations, physics & complexities of the sport.

We are one of only a few full service schools in the U.S. to offer FREE rental for ALL our state-of-the-art equipment (motors, wings, helmets, radios, floatation, etc). We don’t want you to feel pressured to buy equipment without knowing exactly what it is you want, from an educated, experience based perspective, rather than one solely based on marketing. Other schools charge an average of $2,000 just for rentals. We don’t.

What to Expect During Foot Launch Training

Classroom Training


Our training includes many in-depth courses to learn the ins and outs of powered paraglider flying, maintenance, and ownership.

We pride ourselves on having an industry leading syllabus and training program. You will be taught the fundamentals of weather, glider design, airspace, federal regulations, motor maintenance, and many tricks of the trade that would take years to learn on your own.

Ground Handling

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Training days are packed full with ground-handling or kiting practice of various gliders. Honing in those crucial ground handling skills is undoubtedly one of the biggest keys to finding success. 

Ask any of the professionals, and they’ll tell you time and again to kite, kite, and then kite some more because that’s exactly what they do to stay sharp and progress further in the sport.

Motor Simulator


The motor sim is another step in the journey to get you safely in the air.

You will be sitting in a real paramotor with the engine running, and the instructors will guide you through a full simulated flight.

You will go over the steps for launching, flying the pattern, throttle control, comms out simulation, and more.

Tandem Flights


This instructional flight will give you hands-on experience learning how to control a paramotor in the air.

The Instructors will take care of launching and landing but will hand the reigns to you for hands-on experience with turning and learning how to control oscillations.

Towing and Flare Practice


You will take multiple tow-winch flights several hundred feet into the air to refine your launch and landing techniques without the complication of the motor on your back. 

For many students, tow day is a favorite!

Your First Flight!


By day 3 or 4, dependent upon your aptitude and weather conditions, you’ll be ready for your first solo flight! Subsequent days of training include numerous flights in the mornings and evenings during which you will continue to refine the skills you need to safely and enjoyably fly on your own, as well as afternoons spent refining ground handling skills and completing the classroom syllabus.

Physical Training Requirements

Sometimes students underestimate the physical work of training. Early mornings and long days for the duration of the course are the norm. It’s a fast-paced, building-block style training: Plan for a full 14 days as paramotor is a 100% weather-dependent sport. (We build in time for weather delays). We only have you for 2 weeks, so be prepared to sweat. Come conditioned for running and working outside for most of the training.

To be upfront, our pace and long hours can be daunting for the sedentary or those that do not exercise regularly. We are not saying it is impossible, only that our program requires a level of sustained fitness throughout the 14 days. Each day you are taught a new skill that culminates in flight—students that come through who are not physically where they need to be, have a much more difficult time.

We know that YouTube makes flying paramotors look easy. What you often don’t see is the exhaustion, pulled muscles, joint strains, etc. Use your flight goal to get yourself as physically fit as possible to get the most out of our program. We encourage you. If you’re excited about a flight, do not put this off. Being in shape will make this easier and more fun!

Due to manufacturer guidelines and in order to provide a safe training experience, Aviator Paramotor schools operate under these strict guidelines regarding weight and age: You must be under 300lbs and over 18 years of age. 

Where Do We Teach?

Our full time paramotor schools are located in central Florida, Lake Wales (airport code X07). We offer a beautiful training environment, generally excellent weather, and full service training.

We have the original “Red Barn” schoolhouse, and our North Complex hangar the home of our shipping and fulfillment center, second schoolhouse,  and access hundreds of acres of flying fields.

We also offer yearly travel classes during the summer months.

Have A Question or Need More Details?

Contact us using the form below and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

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